Mumm-Ra's Pyramid Of Power!!!!!!
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Welcome, dark forces, to the new Mumm-Ra's Pyramid Of Power!!!!!! All mortals may enter. I love America!!!

Welcome, my friend, to the most evil dwellings in the universe. My new Pyramid is being set into action with news, media, programs, pictures, sounds, and soon enough, personal fan fiction! What makes us different than the rest and will keep us different, you may ask? Well, you see each page is "hosted" by a being from ThunderCats or is related in some way to ThunderCats.

Mumm-Ra's Pyramid of Power is also "The Hub" of all true evil masters. As we rebuild, you'll see evidence of that more and more. Our main "Masters" are Mumm-Ra, Frieza, Skeletor and Monstar. Each will soon have their own pages--minus Mumm-Ra, of course.
New!!!! Check out what's new at the Pyramid: 1. Click Here Make sure to check out Jagara's News page before anything else! And E-Mail her all ThunderCats/Silver Hawks news!

No dumb questions...No strange pictures...No bills (I hate bills!)

Last updated on May 7, 2003

This page was visited 100232 times as of August 20, 2001 6:50 p.m Eastern